RAMM™ describes key risks of investing in Life Settlements and suggests risk mitigation strategies that can be employed as a matter of best practice. In total, the risks inherent in Life Settlement investments are categorized into 9 areas and organized to make it intuitive for investors to drill down to expose risks particular to any investment. These 10 risk categories each have an array of points and questions, answers to which will indicate to what extent a Life Settlement Offering is susceptible to each risk category.
The categories are broad, so as to encompass all risks intrinsic in:
– Valuation
– Servicing
– Sourcing
– Longevity
– Counterparties
– Conflicts of Interest
– Portfolio
– Taxation
– Transaction
– Management
ISLSP, in conjunction with outsanding industry professionals, have taken the first major stride in bringing about a standardized approach to assessing risk in the Life Settlement market and invite Industry participants to contribute in its ongoing development.
Investors must be provided with standardized tools to give them a level of confidence when they are assessing all the risks that are relevant. Checklists, decision trees and matrices will allow investors to map the investment vehicles’ characteristics into a “quality” risk rating matrix.
The methodology has three main components:
1.) Identification of risk categories
2.) In depth investigation into each risk category and how a LS offering may mitigate that risk
3.) A ratings methodology that weights the risk mitigation strategies of an LS offering, quantifying their levels of risk mitigation.